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About Me

A person throwing a coconut on Uvita Beach in Costa Rica.
Who Is

Type 1 Travelling

Hey, I’m Sam and welcome to my travel blog ‘Type 1 Travelling’! I’m a 27 year old from the Scottish Highlands with a great passion for photography, exploring the world and good coffee – all while sticking to a shoestring budget and navigating the daily rollercoaster of Type 1 Diabetes.

My aim is to create a practical travel resource to help inspire, plan and achieve your own travel goals – whether that’s weekend trips away, a year-long worldwide trip, or anything in between! In the blog you’ll find guides and itineraries of the places I’ve explored, tips and tricks I’ve learned while travelling the world on backpacker’s budget, and my experiences and advice for travelling with Type 1 Diabetes.

However, none of this would be possible without my life partner Lucy who is always with me as we share travel experiences and support one another through the highs and the lows – but let’s be honest, mainly as my model who features regularly in the photos of this blog! She has her own Instagram @coffeetraveladdict where you’ll find more of ‘my’ photos 😉

What’s The Story?

After graduating University four years ago, Lucy and I decided to pack 2 weeks-worth of clothes, a 3-month supply of insulin and set off on a 1-year backpacking adventure in the land down under. This added fuel to the fire and really ignited our passion for travel and discovering new destinations.

After our year of travelling and working on Australia’s East Coast we spent 3 months backpacking our way home via LA, Mexico, Cuba, Miami, and Barcelona (this route was chosen purely because all these flights added up to the same cost as flying directly to the UK).

We arrived home to Scotland in December 2019 with a plan to work and save for a couple of months before resuming our backpacking travels in SE Asia. However, as we all know too well the dreaded C word arrived shortly after and disrupted the world, including our travel plans. With no idea how long until travel would resume, we held desperately onto our dream and made the best we could of the situation – by working and saving as much money as we could.

Fast forward a very uncertain 2 years and we finally grasped the opportunity to put the backpacks back on in October 2021 and booked a one-way ticket to Mexico. We have now travelled to a total of 6 continents and 51 countries and don’t have plans to stop anytime soon!

Our ultimate goal is to make this a lifestyle rather than a trip!

Two people holding hands and running towards the camera on Punta Mosquito Beach on Isla Holbox.

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